Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pengurusan Projek Berkualiti PBT-Kedah -Bahan Presentation 29 Mei 2009

Bahan Kuliah Pengurusan Projek Berkualiti 29 Mei 2009

Kandungan Kursus
  • project scope definition
  • determining the scope
  • project scope management activities
  • scope change control

Project Initiation Documents

Befor Project Charter Even Started....

Yesterday one of the participant asked me what and when is the time for the project proposal in the project management activities, is shot he is asking the right question after seeing there is no indication for proposal discussion before the implementation of the project or even before project charter started. And adding to this have you ever been part of a project where not everyone has the same view of where the project is heading? This lack of clarity can breed confusion: People start pulling in different directions, building up unrealistic expectations, and harboring unnecessary worries and fears. While it's normal as part of a project to put the detailed plans, controls and reporting mechanisms into place, how do you get everyone on the same page to start with?

The answer for both scenario are accomplished by creating a Project Initiation Document (PID) - the top-level project planning document. In it, you bring together all of the information needed to get your project started, and communicate that key information to the project's stakeholders. With a well-put-together Project Initiation Document, you can let everyone understand where the project's heading from the outset.

Your Project Initiation Document does the following:
  • Defines your project and its scope.
  • Justifies your project.
  • Secures funding for the project, if necessary.
  • Defines the roles and responsibilities of project participants.
  • Gives people the information they need to be productive and effective right from the start.
By creating a PID, you'll answer the questions: What? Why? Who? How? When?

Although most project-driven organizations have their own templates for Project Initiation Documents, the information contained in those documents is often quite similar, despite variations in the terms used.Here, we work through the most common sections, and look at the information that should be covered in each.

1: What?
First is the What, this tells what the project is seeking to achieve. In it, describe the problem that the project is seeking to solve, as well as a full definition of the project.

This section will typically cover the following topics:

What is the context of the project, and why is the work needed? Briefly describe the idea or problem, and discuss why this project is relevant and timely. The details will come later, so use this section to highlight briefly how this project came to be.

Project Definition
  • Purpose: Why are you doing this work? Describe the desired end result of this project.
  • Objectives: What specific outcomes will be achieved, and how will you measure these outcomes? Remember to limit the number of objectives for your project - four or five goals are typically enough.
  • Scope: What are the boundaries for this project (for example, type of work, type of client, type of problem, geographic area covered)? List any areas excluded that you believe stakeholders might assume are included, but are not. The more specific you are, the less opportunity there is for misunderstanding at a later stage in the project.
  • Deliverables: What will the project deliver as outputs? Where you can, describe deliverables as tangible items like reports, products, or services. Remember to include a date that each deliverable is expected. You'll use this information to monitor milestones.
  • Constraints: What things must you take into consideration that will influence your deliverables and schedule? These are external variables that you cannot control but need to manage.
  • Assumptions: What assumptions are you making at the start of the project? If necessary, schedule work to confirm these assumptions.
2: Why?
Second is the Why, this build a business case to show why your project is going ahead. Describe the effect the project will have on the business, and support this with a detailed account of the risks that should be considered.

Business Case
  • Benefits: Why are you carrying out this project, and what benefits do you expect it to deliver? Include information on how these benefits will be measured.
  • Options: What other courses of action were considered as this project was designed and developed?
  • Cost and Timescale: Provide a breakdown of project costs and related financing.
  • Cost/Benefit Analysis: How are the costs of the project balanced against the expected returns?

Risk Analysis
  • Risk Identification: Identify the risks within the project, and that you'll either need to manage or accept.
  • Risk Prevention: Describe what you are going to do to mitigate or manage risks.
  • Risk Management: Where you can't prevent risks, what are your contingency plans for dealing with them? What actions will you take should the risk materialize?
  • Risk Monitoring: What processes do you have in place to routinely assess the risks associated with your project?

3: Who?
Third is the Who, this describe how the project will be organized and managed. Identify reporting lines, and outline specific roles that will be filled. You need to be clear about staff roles so that you don't duplicate responsibilities, and so that everyone is clear about what's expected of them. If this is a long-term project, you may even consider developing job descriptions for team members.

Roles and Responsibilities
  • Project Organization Chart/Structure: Create a diagram that shows the lines of authority and reporting for each project team member.
  • Project Sponsor: Who has the ultimate authority and control over the project and its implementation?
  • Project Manager: Who is the Project Manager, and what are his or her responsibilities?
  • Project Team: Who are the key members of the project team? What are their roles and job descriptions? What are their phone numbers and email addresses? What is their original department or organization? And to whom do they report to on a daily basis?

4: How and When?
Lastly is the How and When, this provide broad information about how the project will be implemented. Outline how the project will roll out by defining timelines, resources, and management stages. This is a high-level overview that will, as the project proceeds, be supported by more detailed project planning documents.

Initial Project Plan
  • Assignments: What major tasks (with milestones) will be completed during the project?
  • Schedule: Provide a report of the estimated time involved for the project. You've probably already prepared a high level Gantt chart or similar schedule, so the PID simply summarizes the anticipated schedule.
  • Human Resources: How many days activity will be needed to complete the project? How many support staff will be needed? Will you need to bring more people onto the project team?
  • Project Control: How will progress be monitored and communicated?
  • Quality Control: How will the quality of deliverables be evaluated and monitored?
Key Points
A Project Initiation Document is a guide to a project, clearly laying out the justification for a project, what its objectives will be, and how the project will be organized. This helps ensure that everyone knows what's going on right from the outset.

The amount of detail included should be sufficient for the reader to understand the basic purpose of the project and to determine, in principle, the overall feasibility of the project objectives and plan. The PID is supported by many detailed planning documents that may not be entirely completed by the time that the PID is prepared

Pengurusan Projek Berkualiti PBT-Kedah

Project Visit
1. Look Tower - Hulu Langat
2. Burung Gergasi Subang Jaya (Projek Gagal di Tepi High Way)
3. Kompleks 3K di Petaling Jaya ( Kompleks, Komuniti dan Kemasyarakatan)

Case Study: Memperincikan tentang 'Project Scope' dan ' Why Project Fail'
Kajian dibuat keatas beberapa faktor utama termasuklah:
1. dari segi 'Kos Projek, Jangkamasa Projek dan Skop Projek
2. Kepentingan dan Pengaruh 'Project Stakeholder' keatas sesebuah projek.
3. Mengapa kebanyakkan projek gagal.

Hasil dari lawatan akan dibentangkan didalam kuliah pada 29 May 2009. Diantara pengamatan awal dari lawatan ada diantara peserta yang memberikan pandangan bahawa ada diantara projek yang dijalankan tidak memenuhi kehendak 'stakeholder' seperti dari pihak pengguna dan orang awam setempat. Ada juga projek yang dijalankan kerana mendapat arahan dari pihak atasan dan tanpa membuat 'feasibility study' (kewajaran) terlebih dahulu.

Pengurusan Projek Berkualiti PBT-Kedah

Kuliah: 28 May 2009
Tajuk: Project Initiation dan Project Charter

Kandungan Pembelajaran
1. What is Project Charter
2. How to use Project Charter
3. Introducing Tools & Technique
-6 Thinking Hat
-After Action Review

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Trainer Profile

Akmal Zaman bin Abu
  • Pengalaman 9 tahun di sector kewangan pinjaman korperat & latihan untuk pegawai kewangan.
  • Pemegang Master in Corp Comm –UPM & Bachelor Finance UiTM
  • Mengandalikan kelulusan pinjaman dan pemantauan projek di sektor kewangan. i.e perumahan/ kondominium,jalan raya, kilang, pembuatan tong gas, oil & gas, kilang besi waja.
  • Mengandalikan projek khas untuk usahawan bumiputra.
  • Latihan untuk pegawai bank seluruh Malaysia dari semua peringkat Vice President hingga ke Credit Officer.
  • Memberi taklimat/seminar kepada Dewan-dewan Perniagaan. i.e PERDASAMA
  • Latihan perniagaan kerjasama dgn Nurhikmah), PERHEBAT, Pusat Zakat SELANGOR.
  • Terlibat dalam business coaching & training untuk DANA Wira -PERHEBAT


Pengurusan Projek Berkualiti PBT-Kedah -Bahan Presentation

Pengurusan Projek Berkualiti PBT-Kedah 1/2009
Tempat : Prescott Hotel KL
Tarikh : 27, 28 and 29 May 2009

Pengurusan Projek Berkualiti PBT-Kedah 1/2009 - More Pictures

Pengurusan Projek Berkualiti PBT-Kedah 1/2009
Tempat : Prescott Hotel KL
Tarikh : 27, 28 and 29 May 2009

Pengurusan Projek Berkualiti PBT-Kedah 1/2009

Pengurusan Projek Berkualiti PBT-Kedah 1/2009
Tempat : Prescott Hotel KL
Tarikh : 27, 28 and 29 May 2009

Kandungan Kursus
What is Project
Projects vs. Operational Work
What is Project Management
Story: Why project fail?
Understanding Project Life Cycle
Understanding Project Stakeholders
21st Project Management [Triple Constraint]
Technique: Creative Thinking
  • Three Components of Creativity
  • The Paradoxical Characteristics of Creative Groups
  • Tools for Defining Problems and Creating New Ideas
  • Creating a Creative Climate
Project Initiation

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Project Delay

Emirates to delay Boeing 777 deliveries
May 02, 2009 at 10:43

Deliveries of new Boeing 777 aircraft to Dubai's Emirates airline are expected to slow down after April 2010 due to the global financial crisis, UAE daily Gulf News reported on Saturday.

"The slowdown in deliveries is related to the credit crunch, and with the airline business today we do have a little bit of a slowdown on the different aspects of the business," Abdullah al-Shams, a manager at Emirates, told the newspaper.

"We do have deliveries until April 2010 and then we have a slowdown on the deliveries for the following year," he said. He stressed Emirates had not cancelled any orders with Boeing. It still plans for a full fleet between 106 and108 planes despite the delay. Boeing is facing increasing cancellations for new aircraft from other airlines due to the financial crisis.

The list price for a Boeing 777 ranges from about $250 to $275 million.


Monday, May 25, 2009


What is PMBOK?

PMBOK = Project Management Body of Knowledge, it is a guidebook. The PMBOK is an inclusive term that describes the sum of knowledge within the profession on project management. As with other professions such as law, medicine, accounting and others, the body of knowledge rests with the practitioners and academics who apply and advance it.



Trainer Profile

Megat Zainurul Anuar bin Megat Johari

Megat Zainurul Anuar bin Megat Johari is uniquely positioned between the business technology and career education worlds. After graduating from MARA University (UiTM) he concentrates on the information communication technology field and has achieved success in his own career. In addition as a regular blogger ( he tracks over 40 industry blogs related to venture capital, technology, and marketing strategy in order to stay current on this dynamic industry.

Megat is actively involve in promoting 'Open Source Software (OSS)' Implementation in Malaysia through collaboration with United Nation Development Programme (UNDP-IOSN), National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN), Open University Malaysia, Asia e University and Open Source Competency Centre (MAMPU-OSCC) Malaysia. He has successfully organize three(3) events on 'Asia Open Source Software-Master Trainer' in Malaysia, two(2) events on LPI Certification with United Nation Development Programme (International Open Source Network) and many others with local universities in Malaysia.

In the international arena, Megat has involved as a trainer in the 'Train the Trainer' at Asia e University ( to train the delegates form Indonesia on the 'Information Security Management' and other related fields. In the year 2007,2008 and April 2009 he is actively involved as a trainer in the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme(MTCP) which was held in the National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN) to train the MTCP participant from various countries in the field of 'Knowledge Management, Open Source Implementation (Using Content Management System) and Project Management.

Megat also has an extensive track record of working on new approaches to career development in public and government sector. He is currently attached with Dreamsoft (M) Sdn Bhd ( as a 'New Media' director and collaborated with EDG Corporation to create the training and development for ICT and business organization. Megat’s experience as a board member, mentor, adviser and speaker for EDG Corporation 'Entrepreneur Development' program—which is a based program aimed at mentoring, coaching and educating young people with an interest in business. He has also given several talks to universities, public sector employees on Knowledge Management, Career Development, Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship.


Project Initiation

project initiation
1st phase in the Project Management Life Cycle

5 steps to project initiation
  • business case
  • feasibility study
  • project charter
  • job description
  • project office checklist -phase review form (initiation)

Introduction Project Management

What You Should Know

1. what is a project: project characteristics
  • Temporary: means that every project has a definite beginning and a definite end.
  • Unique Products, Services or Results: A projects creates unique output, which are products, services or results.
  • Progressive Elaboration: means developing in stages and continuing by increments.
2. projects vs. operational work
  • Projects and operations differ primarily in that operations are ongoing and repetitive, while projects are temporary and unique
3. what is project management
  • project management is the application of: Knowledge, skills, tools and technique to project activities. [Initiation, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling and Closing]
4. project life cycle
Project Life Cycle defines the phases that connect the beginning of a project to its end.
PLC inputs:
  • what technical work to do in each phase
  • when the output are to be generated in each phase
  • who is involved in each phases
  • how to control and approve each phases
5. project stakeholder
Stakeholders are the people involved in or affected by project activities.
  • Project sponsor
  • Project manager
  • Project team
  • Support staff
  • Customers
  • Users
  • Suppliers
6. triple constrain : time + scope + cost



Pengurusan Projek Berkualiti-PBT Kedah 2009

HARI PERTAMA - 27 Mei 2009
Taklimat dan Perasmian Kursus oleh: En. Wan Azwar bin Dato’ Wan Annuar
What is Project
What is Project Management
Story: Why project fail?
Understanding Project Life Cycle [IPEM C]
Understanding Project Stakeholders
Exercise: Stakeholder Analysis
21st Project Management [Triple Constraint]
- Technique: Creative Thinking
- Brain Exercise
Group Presentation

HARI KEDUA - 28 Mei 2009
Project Initiation
- Project Charter ,Project Scope and Project Proposal.
Group Discussion and Exercise
- Project Charter and Project Scope
Project Visit-MBPJ / MPSJ / Putrajaya / MBSA
Project Visit Continue

- 29 Mei 2009
Group Presentation
Lesson Learn- Project Visit
Group Discussion and Presentation
Majlis Penutup dan Makan Tengahari

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kursus Functional Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat (PTM) Gred F44

ICT Management
F44: ICT Management Track 2, Year 2008
  • Training Area
  • Business Continuity Management
  • Knowledge Mapping
  • Public Sector Information System Strategic Planning (PPISP)

Participant:PTM Grade F44/48
Date:13-16 October 2008
Vanue: INTAN Wilayah Selatan (IKWAS)

JTK -Juruteknik Komputer 2008

Training Area
  • Networking [ Comply Cisco Module]
  • Electric and Electronic
  • PC Engineering

Participant: Various Government Agency
Date: March- November 2008
Venue: Institut Tadbiran Awam Malaysia (INTAN)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

JTK -Juruteknik Komputer 2007

Training Area
  • Networking [ Comply Cisco Module]
  • Electric and Electronic
  • PC Engineering

Participant: Various Government Agency
Date: March- November 2007
Venue: Institut Tadbiran Awam Malaysia (INTAN)